European Chronology Graphic Year of

1940's 1945



9: American forces invade Phillipine island of Luzon
16: Battle of the Bulge ends in German defeat
17: Red Army liberates Warsaw
19: German lines collapse on Eastern Front; full retreat begins
20: Hungary signs armistice with Allies
26: Soviets liberate Auschwitz
27: Red Army occupies Lithuania
4-11: Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin meet at Yalta Conference
13-14: Allied incendiary raid creates firestorm in Dresden
19: American forces land on Iwo Jima
3: American forces liberate Manila in the Phillipines; Finland declares war on Germany
7: Allies capture Cologne; Ludendorff Rail Bridge on Rhine River captured
intact at Ramagen
9: Tokyo firebombed
16: Japanese resistance on Iwo Jima ends
21: Allies take Mandalay, Burma
30: Red Army liberates Danzig
1: American troops encircle German forces in the Ruhr
12: Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies of stroke; Truman becomes President;
Allies liberate Belsen and Buchenwald concentration camps
16: Red Army launches Berlin offensive; Allies take Nuremberg
18: German forces in the Ruhr capitulate
28: Mussolini hanged by Italian partisans; Venice falls to Allied forces
29: Dachau concentration camp liberated
30: Adolf Hitler and wife Eva Braun commit suicide in Chancellery bunker
2: All German forces in Italy surrender
7: Unconditional surrender of all German forces
8: Victory in Europe (VE) Day
23: SS Reichführer Heinrich Himmler commits suicide
5: Allies divide Germany into occupation zones
26: United Nations World Charter signed in San Francisco
16: First U.S. atomic bomb tested at Los Alamos, New Mexico; Potsdam
Conference opens
26: Clement Attlee becomes British Prime Minister
6: First atomic bomb dropped Hiroshima
8: Soviet Union declares war on Japan; Soviet forces invade Manchuria
9: Second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
14: Unconditional surrender of Japanese forces
15: Victory over Japan (VJ) Day
2: Japanese sign surrender documents on battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo
20: Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal begins

1940's 1945