0000's The 8th Century CE 700s CE
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698-705 Tiberius III
705-711 Justinian II (restored)

705 Great Mosque of Damascus

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705-711 Justinian II
711-713 Philippicus
713-715 Anastasius II
715-717 Theodosius III
717-741 Leo III, the Isaurian
711 Moslem Berbers, invited by Visigoths to unseat Visigoth King Roderick, conquer Spain under Tarik ibn Ziyad
718 Aquitaine invaded by Arabs.
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717-741 Leo III, the Isaurian

726 Iconoclastic movement in Byzantium

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717-741 Leo III, the Isaurian

732 Charles Martel def. Omayyads at Tours & Poitiers

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717-741 Leo III, the Isaurian
741-775 Constantine V, Kpronymus

743-4 Walid II caliph

741-75 Constantine V prohibits image worship
dissolves monastaries
743 Childeric III Frankish King

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741-775 Constantine V

751 Pepin III forces Childeric into Monastery.
750 Abu'l-Abbas al-Saffah found Abbasid caliphate. Marwan II def. at Zab
756 Abdurrahman est. Emirate of Cordoba
756 Donation of Pepin establishes temporal power of Popes
750-1258 Abbasid Dynasty
754-75 Al-Mansur moves capital to Baghdad
755-88 Abd-er-Rahman I emir of Cordova

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741-775 Constantine V

768-71 Charlemagne & Carloman rule Franks

762 Anan ben David founds Jewish Qaraites sect after losing Exilarch office to his younger brother. Rejection of Talmud in favor of Old Testament

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741-775 Constantine V
775-780 Leo IV

771-8?? Charlemagne sole ruler
774 Charlemagne confirms Pepin's donation of Papal State, annexes Lombard crown.
778 Charlemagne invades Spain

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780-797 Constantine VI

780-802 Irene (virtual) Empress, restores image worship
Independence of Morocco 788

781 Charlemagne subdues Aquitaine, enthrones son Louis there.
787 Danes begin to raid England

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780-797 Constantine VI
797-802 Irene

791 Constantine imprisons his mother, Empress Irene
792 Irene regains power
795 Danes begin to raid Ireland

1st Millennium 700s