European Chronology Graphic Year of

1940's 1941



22: British take Tobruk in North Africa from Nazis
11: British Army attacks Italian Somaliland
12: Erwin Rommel assumes command of German Afrika Korps
7: British Army comes to the aid of Greece
11: Lend-Lease Act signed by Roosevelt
6: German Army invades Yugoslavia and Greece, forcing Hitler to postpone planned invasion of Soviet Union
17: Yugoslavia capitulates to Nazis
27: Greece capitulates to Nazis
10: Rudolf Hess flies to Scotland on "peace mission"
15: British counter-attack in Egypt
24: German battleship Bismarck sinks Hood, pride of the Royal Navy
27 : Royal Navy sinks Bismarck
8: British Army invades Lebanon and Syria
22 : Hitler launches operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union
28: Germans capture Soviet city of Minsk
3: Stalin launches "scorched earth" policy
31: Plans made to implement "Final Solution," the systematic destruction of the Jews
3th: Italian Army invades British Somaliland
13th: Luftwaffe begins raids on British airfields and aircraft factories
23-24th: Off-course German bombers accidentally bomb London
25-26th: Royal Air Force mounts reprisal raid against Berlin
1: Jews order to wear yellow Star of David
19: Germans capture Soviet city of Kiev
29: German SS mass murders Russian Jews at Kiev
16: Germans capture Soviet city of Odessa
24: Germans capture Soviet city of Kharkov
30: German Army occupies the Crimea
20: Germans capture the Soviet city of Rostov
27:Red Army retakes Rostov  
6: Red Army launches major counter-offensive
7: Japanese attack naval base at Pearl Harbor
8: Roosevelt gives "Day of Infamy" speech; United States and Britain declare war on Japan
11: Germany declares war on the United States
16: Rommel's Afrika Korps forced to retreat in North Africa
19: Hitler assumes post of Commander in Chief of German Army

1940's 1941