The 1910s
1910s CE
1910  1911
Standard Oil Company dissolved by the Supreme Court under the Sherman Antitrust Act. Administration also effected
     dissolution of tobacco trusts and proceeded with scores of other antitrust suits
New Mexico and Arizona admitted to the union, the last of the 48 contiguous states.   President Taft won renomination by the Republican party. But the "Bull Moose" candidacy of Theodore Roosevelt split the Republican vote and Democrat Woodrow Wilson won the election. 
Woodrow Wilson 1st Ladies: Ellen, Edith
The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, authorizing income taxes, was proclaimed on February 25. The 17th amendment, calling for direct popular election of U.S. senators, went into effect two months after Taft left office. Department of Commerce and Labor divided into separate departments. The Federal Reserve Bill became law. 
The Clayton Antitrust Bill and the Federal Trade Bill were enacted. 
     In April, Wilson ordered the U.S. Navy to occupy Veracruz, Mexico during a dispute with President Victoriano Huerta. 
     In August, the president proclaimed neutrality as war broke out in Europe. 
More than 100 Americans were killed as a German submarine torpedoed the British liner Lusitania on May 7. 
Wilson Narrowly reelected.277-254EV Charles E. Hughes 
The United States purchased the Virgin Islands from Denmark.  Four days after Wilson's War Message, on April 6, Congress declared war on Germany. 
In January, outline Fourteen Points as a basis for a peace settlement.  On November 11, an armistice ending World War I is signed. 
The 18th, or Prohibition amendment, was proclaimed on January 29 

1800's 1910s